Monday, December 8, 2008

Unit 14 Cloud computing, Muddiest points

Muddiest Point: What is a 'mashup' platform mentioned in cloud computing.

1. Galen Gruman-Clould computing. this is over my head, reminds of the Jetsons (TV carton of a family in the future). Interesting, you can rent space as you need it and don't need hardware/software!

2. Youtube- I could understand this. Online services from any place, using the Web 2.0. Sharing documents in real time, like wikipedia? When mentioned the small notebooks, that didn't need loading software, I thought of the new Acer I just bought. It's great, wireless, I can work anywhere there's a connection!

3. Future of Libraries- They must reinvent themselves to survive. Come full circle from information being scarce to being free & available. (But to those not connected, it's still scarce.) Great identification of trends. I like the one that I think is currently happening, a library as a center of culture, not just of information. Where people come together to learn about each other. we've got to enjoy the journey and evolve or we will cease to exist.

Unit 13 no place to hide

Typing in the web address was so simple, don't know why I did not think of it sooner. Anyway. This was an interesting and disturbing read. Our lives will never be the same because of 9-11. However, how do we strike a balance between protecting ourselves and protecting our freedoms? "Freedom is a dual edged sword". Excess either way brings problems. Think of the fact that it appears that plans for what happened on 911 were found on the laptop of a 'terrorist', but nothing was done with this information. I don't know if it was true, but consider that it was true, who dropped the ball, who can we blame. Because that's a favorite, must blame someone.

And this do not even speak to the massive number of aliens, legal and not in the country and the world. Do they have less rights as non-citizens? I am considering reading the rest of the book.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Unit 13 Security & Privacy

1-The video No Place to hide is not operational.
2-Interesting paper with lots of websites to link to for further information.
3-This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Viacom International Inc.

Jeffrey Rosen-Is Privacy Dead?
Presents some interesting points on US & UK views of surveillance; believes these can be reconciled.
Facebook: Scary what facebook can do with material once posted. "Big Brother" & "1984" rolled into one.
Jonathan Zittrain-The Future of the Internet
Fascinating, humorous, and serious look at where the Internet is going. We probably need to have someone help get rid of the hackers, spammers, virus/worm writers that destroy sites and steal data. While trying to cultivate creativity, what can be done to protect form those who want to use the Internet to destroy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Comments and Muddiest Points Unit 12

Very interesting readings, understandable and found very useful information.

Muddiest Points:
Really didn't find any.

Unit 12 Social Software (11/25)

This week's readings were quite interesting. I particularly liked the article on weblog and social tags. It seems to me that now that I've had a little experience with blogging,(I did not have a blog nor followed any prior to this class),and finding info on the web, I believe I understand these articles better. I am a slow learner and need to re-read things a couple of times.

Weblogs:their use and application in science and technology libraries:
-presents a brief history of the development of blogs and provides resources for further reading.
-Great definition of a blog "...a Web site resembling a personal journal that is updated with individual entries or postings..."
-very useful feature of blogging software: the facility to automatically archive entries and allow for searching, browsing and reviewing of stories and postings.
-discusses blog use in literature search, its applications in science and technology librarianship (where blogging software is a great tool for those working on projects)
-defines RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds; Use of these in libraries, gives example of LISFeeds as a site that collects library-related RSS news feeds.
-Talks about reference and student blogs.
-Agree with the conclusion: "...The challenge for librarians is to become familiar with the weblog and its potential, and explore new ways to further its development and application in science and technology librarianship."

Using a wiki to manage a library instruction program (LIP):Sharing knowledge to better serve patrons:
-Had never heard of nor used a wiki before.
-Great tool to manage work in an LIP.
-Anyone can create a wiki.
-The name is particularly appropriate.
-Can use wiki to:
=share knowledge; use as centralized resource collaboration tool, streamlining work flow and allowing quick update of outdated info.

Creating the academic library folksonomy:Put social tagging to work at your institution:
-Social tagging is new; allows the creation of bookmarks/tags for Web sites and saves them online. (sounds a little like adding sites to 'favorites' websites) allows sharing of tags. (visited site, found great info on writing on line, editing photos)
-Librarians can identify the best Web resources in various subject areas and then tag them for patrons' use.

Jimmy Wales:"How a ragtag band created Wikipedia"
-Great story, ensure every person on the planet is given access to human knowledge.
-Ideal becoming reality.
-Neutral point of view; no biases.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Muddiest Point Unit 11

Scholarly publishing as a specific circumscribed example of scholarly communication?

Comments on Readings

Interesting readings; some easier to read than others.