Friday, September 19, 2008

Multimedia Representation & Storage - Unit 5 Readings

Data Compression - Wikipedia:
-Process of making information take up less space.
-On the positive space it is useful by reducing the the use of space.
-On the negative side, when the compressed data is 'decompressed', some data may be lost.
-Two compressions described:
Lossless compression looks at eliminating repeated values to sent data concisely; this is reversible so original data can be retrieved.
Lossy data compression works on perception, can a part of something be eliminated but will the whole still be perceived? Here some data will be lost.

Data Compression Basics:
-Although states is not technical, is very technical, giving many examples.
-Advantage of data compression=lets you store more in the same space and transfer info in less time or with less bandwidth.
-Presented in 3 parts:
Part 1 describes the types of lossless data compression algorithms & techniques used to improve performance.
Part 2 describes techniques used in lossy compression (where data obtained after decompression is not necessarily identical to the original) and techniques adapted to improve lossless compression.
Part 3 describes how the concepts and techniques from the first two parts can be applied to video compression.

Imaging Pittsburgh:
This is an interesting article on the collaborative use of technology to provide access to both researchers and the general public to a website, created by three entities, showcasing photographic collections depicting the growth of Pittsburgh during the 19th and early 20th century. Through these images of Pittsburgh's people, neighborhoods, buildings, you can see the social, cultural and physical changes the city underwent. It's a good example of the work involved in preservation, not only of cost but of the choices faced by the group members regarding which images to display. It considers the matter of copyright and provides a link to the home website of each of the groups for further exploration.

YouTube and Libraries:
-As a visual tool for enhancing the services a library offers, it uses two of our sense, hearing and seeing to provide information. As a visual learner this appeals to me and I suspect will appeal to others as well. It can be used to reach a large number with a small amount of effort. That said, someone must decide what to include, when, where, how to film and then upload to the site. Supposedly it's biggest advantage is the ability to upload videos in any format. I haven't visited the site myself but plan to do so soon.


Alison said...

I agree with your comments referring to the advantages of using YouTube to address different styles of learning. We were just discussing this at work the other day- different learning styles call for different techniques.

Lori said...

I agree with your comments on the Data Compression Basics stating that it wasnt very technical but it was. The lossless vs lossy made sense to me at first but the more that was explained, the more technical and confusing it became. I like that you were able to succinctly describe what the key points were.

Anonymous said...

I would also have to say that I agreed with your comments on the "Pittsburgh" website. I found it quite intriguing all of the choices that went into working on such a highly collaborative project such as that. I think it is completely valuable, and was impressed with the organization necessary to make this possible.

jas292 said...

I totally agree with you about youtube.I myself am also a visual learner. Everyone hasvarious styles and youtube is definitely for the visual learner