Friday, November 14, 2008

Unit 11 Readings

Digital Libraries:
-Searchingdigital libraries is problematic.
-Searching thrawted by scholarly information contained in 'information silos'.
-Difference between providing access to discrete sets of digital collections & providing digital library services. (because looking for particular digital collection?)
-Ultimate goal is to provide problem free access.
-Federal support was important to evolution of digital library technology.
-Large number of ejournals now available.

Dewey Meets Turing
-Digital Library Initiation brought together librarians and computer scientists.
-Computer scientists saw an exciting way to conduct research and impact daily society in working on digital library projects.
-Librarians saw an opportunity for increased funding.
-Advent of Web frought confusion as consumers also became producers of information.
-Increased costs of ejournals forced academic libraries to concel subscriptions.
-Online publishing was good for self publishing but looked upon warily by academic world.
-Although access to information is containedwithin a technical infrastructure, core elements of librarianship remain constant.
-Hubs of core collecitons will require librarian sstewardship.

Institutional Repositories:Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age
-Somewhat interesting but long and occasionally dense article on institutional repositories (IR).
-IR allow universities to apply leverage to accelerate changes in scholarship and scholarly communication.
-This was made possible by decrease in online storage costs, and the open archives medadata harvesting protocol.
-MIT and Hewlett Packard partnered to develop an institutional repository system which is now a model for other universities.
-An IR should not olnly contain its members works and make these available but also needs to preserve them.
-Scholarly publishing while different form scholarly communication, is a specific circumscribed example of scholarly communication.
-The effective operation of web sites chould be in the hands of professionals who are conversant with software complexity, secruity risks, backup requirements and other issues.
-Author lists cautions about IR.
IR's can serve as propellers of change for institutions of higher education.


Joy said...

I agree that the core job of librarianship remains constant. All of the elements that were addressed in LIS2000 apply here such as finding information for a client, organizing information, etc.

Joan said...

Hi Evelyn,

Thank you for writing in such a way that I can better understand the articles that I read. Sometimes our classmates can decipher these readings better than I can. I also have to reread some things a few times. I found it more so with a couple of the books we read in 2000.

So, are Institutional Repositories only Universities? I was wondering about that.