Saturday, October 25, 2008

Unit 9: XML

After printing these readings out, I can tell they are technical documents aimed at helping with the next assignment. I don't do well with technical documents. I think I will take a look at the tutorials mentioned in the "A survey of XML standards". There may have been other tutorials assigned previously; however I do not retain a lot, particularly technical information. So I will look at other referenced material like Doug Tidwell's Introdiction to XML" before I start the other materials.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Comment on articles for unit 8

I think I said this before, that these were interesting and should prove useful when working on the web page creation page. I am not a technical person; I start to "freak out" when I see 'machine language' and numbers. But the article on HTML was well described and spoke of the the challenge Georgia State University took in correcting its web site.

Beyond HTML

This was interesting article. It describes the experience of Georgia State University in correcting and coordinating its website. The original site had virtually no security, was not well organized, a lot of the pages were very different from each other, both visually and in content and staff experience with web page design ran the gamut from no experience at all to a lot of experience. To solve the problem a web development librarian (I didn't know there was such a thing) was hired and his first act was to implement security. The article goes on to describe the action steps taken to coordinate and implement a Content Management System that proved flexible, used current software and accomodated continual growth as well as allowed for customizing or tagging. It's main strength was that it allowed anyone to build a basic guide based on content as defined by the organization.

Muddiest point

I was confused thinking this would be covered in the mandatory visit to campus during Oct.30-Nov.2. I don;t know why.

I find the technical portion difficult. It's a very foreign language, but the tutorials are interesting and should prove useful when completing assignment 6.

Unit 8 Readings

This unit on HTML & Web Authoring Software was interesting, and technical so I don't have much to say. The cheatsheet will come in handy with creating my own web page. In fact this entire reading will be helpful for the next assignment.

For some reason I thought this was gong to be covered during the mandatory visit to campus. I must have confused it.

Somehow I missed the article "Beyond HTML..." and had a lot of trouble accessing it thru the library. The on line librarian was a life saver. I realized I had not signed on and that was why I could not access the article. Will be adding another post on the article. It looks complicated, with machine language in it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Muddiest poiont about Khoa

While there is a notation about the url there is no explication on actually how to get the url. It's the one that pops up when you complete the assignment. I tried counting the other 'shelves' to find the number, that did not work. Only when I clicked on my shelf did I see the number at the end that when inserted into the url (at the end) provided by the TA did I go to the shelf. Maybe this is because I don't create or write programs. Unfortunately, I need virtually step by step instructions when it comes to creating files on the computer.

khoa assignment


Monday, October 20, 2008

Koha assignment

While the assignment took a bit of time to complete (problems encountered with not being able to access Khoa) and then finding books, then going to and adding and adding; the biggest problem is there is no instruction on how to post an url for the bookshelf.

Monday, October 6, 2008




Smart Car

Small Cars

Small Cars



mini cooper

Mini Cooper

Jing Assignment

This is an interesting assignment but not very clear. The point must be to capture a video and some images and annotate them. However, the sound did not work in my video, although the mic said it was on.

I chose to import pictures of small cars. I may buy a Smart Car, I saw them throughout England, Ireland, Germany and Austria. It's a neat car, smaller than a Mini Cooper but taller at the same time. I tried to annotate the pictures, but gave up. Maybe next time.

Smart Car

The Smart Car

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Muddiest Points Unit 7 Internet & WWW Technologies

Integrated Library Systems - do what?
Wikepedia defined it for me, but not sure where the problem is.

Intersection of ILS and Web/Internet: not clear what's the problem. Why need new systems?

Internet and WWW Technologies

How Internet Infrastructure Works:
-Good explanation of how the Internet works.
-Gives definitions of terms, words I've seen before but didn't really know what they meant. ie URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
-Provides links for further information within the article and at the end.
-Basically, the Internet is a Network of Networks, which no one owns, but just about everyone uses.
-Its name comes from the idea of interconnected networks, "a global collection of networks".
-A non-profit group, The Internet Society, oversees the formation of policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet. (how to contact them?)
-Most amazing is that information, lots of information, is sent around the world in seconds.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems:
-Difficult to read, assumes familiarity with ILS.
-Change is making librarians seek ways to make their systems more interoperable, but not clear to me with whom or what?
-Would be helpful to define ILS and give examples of challenges faced.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page:Inside the Google Machine:
-Great video, fascinating.
-Graphic representation of the world and how information shoots around the world is amazing!
-Seems to be great place to work with benefits (food, do your own laundry [engineers very involved in work, probably also sleep there] bring pet to work)
-Encourage employees to work on special interests/projects; these have turned out to be profitable.
-Honesty, integrity, simple; no flashy show, pretentiousness.
-How can I get a job there!