Thursday, October 2, 2008

Internet and WWW Technologies

How Internet Infrastructure Works:
-Good explanation of how the Internet works.
-Gives definitions of terms, words I've seen before but didn't really know what they meant. ie URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
-Provides links for further information within the article and at the end.
-Basically, the Internet is a Network of Networks, which no one owns, but just about everyone uses.
-Its name comes from the idea of interconnected networks, "a global collection of networks".
-A non-profit group, The Internet Society, oversees the formation of policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet. (how to contact them?)
-Most amazing is that information, lots of information, is sent around the world in seconds.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems:
-Difficult to read, assumes familiarity with ILS.
-Change is making librarians seek ways to make their systems more interoperable, but not clear to me with whom or what?
-Would be helpful to define ILS and give examples of challenges faced.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page:Inside the Google Machine:
-Great video, fascinating.
-Graphic representation of the world and how information shoots around the world is amazing!
-Seems to be great place to work with benefits (food, do your own laundry [engineers very involved in work, probably also sleep there] bring pet to work)
-Encourage employees to work on special interests/projects; these have turned out to be profitable.
-Honesty, integrity, simple; no flashy show, pretentiousness.
-How can I get a job there!

1 comment:

Lauren Menges said...

I agreed with your comments about the ILS article. I really had no idea what ILS was and it was difficult to read the article which was clearly working off of an established idea regarding ILS, but the author never clearly defined this for the readers.