Thursday, September 25, 2008

Readings Unit 6

I. Wikipedia:

A. Local Area Network - a computer network covering a small geographic area that has a much higher data-transfer rate. Worker OK but too many systems were sold by vendors with incompatible computer hardware.
B. Computer Network - a group of interconnected computers that can be classified to the hardware technology used to connect the individual devices in the network. There are different networks: Personal Area Network, Local Area Network, Computer Area Network, Metropolitan Area Network, Wide Area Network, Global Area Network (in development), Internetwork.
C. Basic Hardware Components - lots of information about what's used to interconnect network nodes. (more than I need to know)

II. Coyle K. Management of RFID in Libraries

-Can't ignore technology
-Not one but many different
-Different amounts of information can be contained in the tags used.
-Tags are cost saving as will be reused several times.
-Tags used for security
-May need different RFID's to fit different articles, books, magazines, Cd's/DVDs.

III. Videos

Common types of computer networks - short, interesting.


Megan1 said...

You highlight a significant aspect of RFID tags. If the tags don't work well with certain materials contained in a library, it is really worth it to have multiple systems for item identification? What would need to be done to make these materials better able to use RFID or how can RFID be changed?

Lindsay Mattock said...

I like the way you broke down the RFID article. I absolutely agree - we cannot ignore technology (as much as I'd like to) - and we can't afford to ignore technology. Megan also has a good point. Is it really necessary to have multiple identification systems within the library. This also brings to question the costs, both for the technology and the staff time needed to convert a library to a RFID system.

jas292 said...

Well,I definitely see that you are a very organized person,you have the info very organized. I think RFID's are a bad idea because they are not human...