Friday, September 12, 2008

Database, Metadata & Dublin Core Data Model


-Structured collection of data
-Relies on database management system 'DBMS' to organize, retrieve stored data.
-First developed in '60s. I didn't know this, thought it was earlier, but don't know why I thought this.
-Different structures to 'hold' data:
hierarchial, network, relational
-Technical term definitions related to the design of databases. More than I needed.
-Application, to me the most important topic, is discussed at the end.
-Preferred method os storage for many applications. I believe the system I use at work is mainly a database.


-Information about information?
-It's all one can say about any 'information object'.
-3 features of all information objects:
Content: what the object contains, what's it all about; intrinsic to the object.
Context: who, what, why, where, how aspects of the object's creation; extrinsic
Structure: the formal set of assumptions among individual info object & can be intrinsic or extrinsic.
-Information on types, functions, attributes and characteristics.

Dublin Core Data Model:

-Despite reading several times, did not understand this article.
-Believe it's a huge 'database' to be set up internationally to provide access to information.


Megan1 said...

I like the outlined way you structure your finding from the readings. It is a nice overview from what I just read.

I'm curious as to what you mean by the system you use at work is mainly a database. What kind of work do you do? I am struggling to understand the different kinds of databases and am looking for examples.

Micquel said...

I agree with Megan, you actually helped me understand these articles a little bit more... I also didn't have a clue what I had just read when I was done with the Dublin Core Data Model article...

I found the background of the database very interesting though because we also use databases on a daily basis and I continually find it amazing every time I'm searching and browsing around for something, how much there actually is... granted, depending on the database you're using the credibility of a lot of what you find needs to be questioned...but with Pitt's library databases... its astronomical!!!

Joan said...

I also agree with the other comments about this weeks postings.
The phone book is a database. anything you "google", and "google" itself is a huge database from what I am beginning to understand. (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong).
Dublin Core - AMEN. From what other's have said, it's supposed to be a World Wide Standardized Database that everyone can go to to find out anything!

Lindsay Mattock said...

I had the same impressions of the Dublin Core Reading for this week. My understanding is that it is a method of creating metadata to create a standard across all fields so that the search engines can more accurately find data. Did anyone else get this impression? I guess we will find out in class!